GUC intends to implement this proposed project during the period of May 2023- April 2025
with the purpose of institutionalizing a system and capacity building of enforcing agencies for
implementation and monitoring of the tobacco control laws and guidelines to reduce TAPS ban
violation and to increase tobacco vendor licensing.
Major objectives of the project are as follows:
Objective-1: To provide technical support for the strengthening and implementation of the Local
Government Institutions (LGI)’s Tobacco Control Guideline and National Tobacco Control
Programme (NTCP).
Objective-2: To assist the Taskforce Committees (TFC) and Local Government Institutions (LGI)
for improved implementation of NTCP and better compliance with TAPS provisions in 6 (six)
districts and 12 upazilas of Barishal division.
Objective-3: To ensure local government institutions’ system strengthening and capacity building
for implementation of Tobacco Control guidelines in 1 (one) City Corporation and 17 (seventeen)
municipalities of Barishal division.
Objective-4: To monitor, evaluate, and disseminate the implementation status of tobacco control
laws and LGI TC guideline
Major strategies to achieve the objectives are as follows:
Strategy-1: National-level technical support for strengthening and implementation of the LGI’s
Tobacco Control Guideline and NTCP
Strategy 2: Facilitating advancement of implementation of National Tobacco Control Program
(NTCP) and promotion of compliance with TAPS provisions by the TFCs and LGIs in 6 (six) districts
And 12 upazilas of Barishal division.
Strategy 3: System strengthening of LGIs and capacity building for implementation of Tobacco
Control guidelines in 1 (one) City Corporation and 17 (seventeen) municipalities of Barishal division.
Strategy-4: Monitoring, evaluation, documentation and support for on ground enforcement of
Tobacco control laws and LGI guideline for tobacco control