Senior Management Team

A K M Maksud, Executive Director

A K M Maksud is the Founder and Executive Director of Grambangla Unnayan Committee. He has been performing this role since 1997. He was awarded ASHOKA Fellowship in 2006 from the ASHOKA Innovators for the Public, the USA for his innovating designing and implementation of an inclusive education program for the nomadic Bede community through mobile boat schools. A K M Maksud is a Member of the National NGO Coordination Committee for Birth Registration of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, The People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Maksud was the Member of the Technical Committee of the National AIDS Committee and Secretary-General of the STI/AIDS Network of Bangladesh. He is the lead/co-author of two books and 9 research articles in reputed journals. During his professional experience, he produced 48 research reports. A K M Maksud obtained his Master of Social Science (MSS) and Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the University of Dhaka.

Khandaker Reaz, Director, Programs

KhandakerReaz Hossain is working as Director, Programs with Grambangla Unnayan Committee since 2016. The major areas of his responsibilities are monitoring the ongoing program activities, organizational development, organizing training programs, and publishing reports.
After completing Post-graduation in Economics from the University of Dhaka in 1983, Mr. Hossain started his career as a development practitioner and engaged himself with various national and international organizations such as Grameen Trust (a sister concern of Grameen Bank), Research Initiatives, Bangladesh, John Snow Inc., Resource Integration Centre and Action for Social Development. Mr. Hossain has had a lot of professional experience in research and GO-NGO participatory development programs for three decades. He is an Alumni of the International Human Rights Training Programme of Equities, Canada, and Secretary (Capacity Development) of Sustainable Development Network of Bangladesh.

Imtiaj Rasul, Director (Advocacy and Communications)

Imtiaj Rasul, A graduate of political Science (Option- International studies) and a minor in Sociology graduated from Winona State University (WSU), Spring, 1996. During his education at WSU, Minnesota, Mr. Rasul has been very active in student activities on campus and also at the state level {Minnesota State University Student Association (MSUSA)}. Mr. Rasul served as the Assistant Cultural diversity representative for WSU Student Senate at MSUSA and also was a member of the Taskforce for the cultural diversity of the city of Winona. He was President of Bangladesh Student Forum 1994-95. He was recognized in Who’s who among the American Universities and Colleges for outstanding merit and leadership role at WSU, 1994-95. . In 2005 he has also completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Organized Self Help Housing, Lund University, Sweden. After graduating and coming back from the United States, he worked for the Program for Research on Poverty Alleviation, (PRPA) Grameen Trust (sister concern of Grameen Bank – Nobel peace prize winner of 2006), Research Initiatives, Bangladesh (RIB), MRC Mode Ltd. Grambangla Unnayan Committee (GUC), BRAC Development Institute (BDI), BRAC University, American Alumni Association (AAA), PROGGA and DATA SEARCH. In addition to his professional activities, Mr. Rasul lectures presents papers on Development and poverty issues in many reputed universities in Bangladesh, India, the UK, and the USA on issues related to poverty, micro-credit, and low-cost housing. Mr. Rasul is involved with many nonprofit organizations as a board member and also trying to set up people-oriented business ventures locally and globally.

Md. Abul Bashar Khan Reza,Deputy Director (Admin & Finance)

Md. Abul Bashar Khan Reza has been working as the Deputy Director, (Admin & Finance) in GUC since 2012. He has experience working for non-profit sector project management and research in social development for more than 5 years. Md. Abul Bashar Khan Reza obtained his Bachelor of Law (LLB) from the Green University of Bangladesh, Bachelor of Social Science (BSS), and Master of Arts (Islamic History)degree from the National University, Bangladesh. In addition to the university degrees, she also received professional training in child protection, facilitation, documentation, communication, advocacy, self-help group development, drop-in-center operation for the Injecting Drug User for prevention of HIV and AIDS, education program management, etc.

Sayma Sayed, Deputy Director,( Monitoring, Learning, Evaluation and Research)

Sayma Sayed has been working in Grambangla as the Assistant Director, Monitoring, Learning, Evaluation, and Research at GUC since 2015. Her major responsibilities are to lead the implementation of the projects monitoring framework in a participative way; assure that all contractual obligations, visit all activities regularly to support and monitor the project progress; maintain regular communication with all partners and other staff; compile required reports on progress and encourage all staff members and partners to report frankly on fieldwork, achievement, challenges, and possible solutions plus lessons learned.
She has been working as a professional researcher and social development activist for more than four years. Sayma Sayed obtained her Master of Social Science and Bachelor of Social Science degrees in Economics from the University of Dhaka. In addition to the university degrees, she also received professional training in office management, child protection, facilitation, documentation, communication, advocacy, self-help group development, quantitative research, urban health &governance, education program management, climate change, etc.

Mosammat Tahmina Akter

Director, Early Childhood Development (ECD), Non Formal Primary Education (NFPE) & Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

Ms. Tahamina Akter is a ECD, NFPE and TVET specialist. She obtained her Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) and Master of Social Sciences (MSS) in Sociology from the National University in Bangladesh. She received training on early childhood development, non-formal primary education program management, entrepreneurship development etc. Since 2000, she is actively involved in designing and implementing programs related to early childhood development, non-formal primary education, technical and vocational educaiton and training, child labour, street children, tobacco control, primary health care, HIV/AIDS and STDs, Nutrition, Behavioral Change Communication (BCC), disaster risk reduction, climate change and environment, gender, socially excluded and marginalized communities (nomadic Bedes, waste pickers), sex workers, poverty, water & sanitation etc. He was also involved in 10 social research studies. The social development projects were funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, Red Nose Day at Comic Relief USA, UNESCO, UKAid, Institute of Development Studies UK of University of Sussex, ChildHope UK, Consortium for Street Children UK, Commonwealth Foundation, Evan Cornish Foundation UK, Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO), Grameen Trust/Grameen Bank, ActionAid Bangladesh, Save the Children International, etc.

Ali Azmam

Eva Naznin

Director, Public Health

I am Eva Naznin, a public health researcher and program manager with advanced training in public health and health and development. I earned my PhD in Community Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Newcastle, Australia. With a decade of diverse global experience, my expertise spans public health, primary health care, policy analysis, advocacy, health system strengthening, and program implementation. Currently, I work as an Director, Public Health at Gram Bangla Unnayan Committee. In my previous role with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK, USA), I played a crucial role in supporting non-governmental organizations in the implementation of tobacco control programs in Bangladesh. During my tenure at The World Health Organization (WHO), I successfully managed large-scale, multi-country projects. I developed a human resource assessment program designed to identify confirmed cases of visceral leishmaniasis. In overseeing the project, I led a team across three countries to implement the program in first-level health centers. I am currently a member of the advisory board (Community Connect) at the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.